Body pump, an unexpected hobby

Week 1 

I've just started a new type of exercise at the gym that I have never tried before: body pump.  I'm not sure I will enjoy it but my husband made me try and I have to admit that it isn't so bad. Body pump is a type of workout that is specifically designed to help you get toned and fit. This type of exercise is easy: you just have to lift weight while performing repetitions to the rhythm of music. It was a great way to chill out  after a hard day's work. It was fun but now I've got stiffness in all my muscles.

Week 2

I've trained three times this week and I feel stronger. I can lift more weight now and I feel better. Now, I know how to do the different exercises and I enjoy the class more. I've realised that if you follow the music, you know how to do the exercises. The only thing that I don't like is the music, sometimes it is too loud and I don't know all the songs. If I were the teacher, I would choose different songs. Anyway, it's ok to listen to music that you are not used to. 

Week 3

Today, I tried a different class: it's a combination of body pump and body balance, which is a mixture between yoga and tai chi. The first part of the class was about lifting weight but the second was about doing some stretching after the workout. I think it's a very good idea because you can relax your muscles after a hard class. If I had known that I would enjoy it so much, I would have tried body pump earlier. So, my recommendation for you is: never let your prejudices tell you what you like or don't like. You never know until you try it.
